Ik zou het zelf niet snel durven, maar advocaten die nieuwsgierig zijn of de rechter hun pleitnota’s lezen kunnen wellicht wat leren van deze truc:
“The last few times that I sued a spammer in Washington Small Claims Court, I filed a “booby-trapped” written legal brief with the judge, about four pages long, with the second and third pages stuck together in the middle. I made these by poking through those two pages with a thumbtack, then running a tiny sliver of paper through the holes and gluing it to either page with white-out. The idea was that after the judge made their decision, I could go to the courthouse and look at the file to see if the judge read the brief or not, since if they turned the pages to read it, the tiny sliver of paper would break. To make a long story short, I tried this with 6 different judges, and in 3 out of 6 cases, the judge rejected the motion without reading it.”
Meer op Slashdot | Anti-Spam Suits and Booby-Trapped Motions.