The Jem Report: The real heart of the GPLv3 rift

Alweer een zeer juiste observatie over GPL versie 3 in The Jem Report:

With events like Eben Moglen’s bizarre tirade against Tim O’Reilly, the FSF leadership (even though Moglen is no longer officially a leader, he still acts as a spokesperson) is appearing more like a group of religious extremists, and less like programmers intent on creating free replacements for proprietary programs. The FSF’s focus is increasingly to protest, boycott, censure, and exclude all things it does not find morally agreeable. By contrast, it is the open source community that is doing all the real work — the coding, the documentation requesting, and the reverse-engineering. The rift is forming primarily between the people who do the talking, and the people who do the actual software development. This has come to mean a rift between free software, which for all its bluster and bombast has failed miserably to produce a complete GNU operating system; and open source, which has produced many financially and/or technologically successful operating systems over virtually the same period of time.

Inderdaad. Open source is een ontwikkelmodel. Vrije software is een sociale beweging.

Alleen die laatste opmerking over “complete GNU operating system” is niet helemaal terecht. De Hurd kan na vijftien jaar ontwikkelen echt wel opstarten. Die oude grap

Q: What’s the difference between GNU and Linux?
A: Linux has a kernel that boots.

is dus echt achterhaald.

Lees verder in The real heart of the GPLv3 rift.
